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Kate Soper teaching

Sherrerd Center for Teaching & Learning

The Sherrerd Center for Teaching and Learning was founded in 2009 through a generous bequest from the family of Kathleen Compton Sherrerd ’54 and John J. F. Sherrerd, longtime supporters of excellence in teaching at Smith College. The center enables the academic success of all Smith students through faculty development efforts that support teaching and learning at the college.

There are many different ways to teach well.

Good teaching is necessarily inclusive.

All teaching is improvable.


We are pleased to announce that Caroline Melly has returned to the role of director after a year-long sabbatical and we are grateful and thank Patty DiBartolo for serving as the Interim Director last year. 

Our Team


Caroline Melly

Director the Sherrerd Center
Professor of Anthropology

Sherry Wingfield

Sherrerd Center Coordinator

Shannon Audley

Associate Professor of Education and Child Study

Jean Ferguson

Director of Learning, Research, and Technology

Jessica Gersony

Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences

Scott LaCombe

Assistant Professor of Government and of Statistical and Data Sciences

Miranda McCarvel

Multilingual Writing Specialist; Lecturer in Writing & Public Discourse, Education & Child Study, & Anthropology 

Borjana Mikic

Rosemary Bradford Hewlett 1940 Professor of Engineering

Roisin O'Sullivan

Professor of Economics

Marney Pratt

Senior Laboratory Instructor in Biology

Fraser Stables

Professor of Art, Associate Dean of Integrated Learning

Atsuko Takahashi

Senior Lecturer in Japanese

Luce Ward

Laboratory Instructor in Geosciences

Traci-Ann Wint

Assistant Professor of Africana Studies

Elizabeth Stordeur Pryor

Professor of History

Kate Queeney

Professor of Chemistry

Goals of the Center

Based on the understanding that teaching is always a work in progress and always improvable, the Sherrerd Center strives to:

  1. Create opportunities for faculty to engage in a continuous discourse about student learning
  2. Support new faculty as they develop into excellent teachers
  3. Disseminate knowledge of the craft of teaching to support ongoing faculty professional development
  4. Provide opportunities for faculty to learn from one another by sharing innovative teaching practices and strategies for improving student learning
  5. Build synergy between faculty development efforts and student academic support services (e.g. Jacobson Center, Educational Technology Services, Spinelli Center, Accessibility Resource Center, Libraries, etc.)
  6. Enable the academic success of students from diverse backgrounds by promoting best practices for inclusive teaching, investigating achievement gaps in student learning, and supporting strategies for overcoming such gaps
  7. Enhance Smith’s efforts towards creating a culture of purposeful inquiry among students
  8. Ensure that consideration of teaching and learning inform campus decision making
  9. Improve measures of teaching performance so that they provide information useful to the teachers themselves and can serve as reasonable indicators of teaching performance for the purposes of re-appointment, tenure, and promotion
  10. Support the scholarship of teaching and learning among faculty from diverse disciplines

Core Programs & Descriptions

Teaching Arts Luncheons: Weekly Friday luncheon presentations and discussions focused on teaching and learning so that faculty and staff are able to meet the pedagogical challenges and opportunities in the classroom on our campus.

Teaching Circles: Approximately three times each semester, faculty and staff come together to discuss a teaching topic of shared interest in small groups (including circles on ChatGPT/AI, ungrading, teaching languages, antiracism, trauma-informed pedagogy, science ethics, creative writing, and advising—to name a few.)

Pedagogical Partnerships: Over an entire semester, this program engages students as partners with faculty in the classroom to strengthen pedagogy and enhance the course experience.

Teaching Mentors: All year round, two faculty mentors for equitable and inclusive pedagogies are available for confidential and non evaluative conversations with faculty and staff on any topic related to teaching or the teaching/learning process.

Mid-Semester Assessments: Each semester, faculty of all ranks and from all divisions can request a confidential assessment of their teaching and students’ learning with feedback on what is working best and what could be strengthened and improved while the course is in progress, so meaningful changes can be implemented. 

Since its inception in 2009, the Sherrerd Center has been distinguished by its commitment to developing pedagogical practices built on insights from the learning sciences and best practices. As we emerge from years of pandemic-related disruption and confront ongoing sociopolitical upheaval in the world and in our classrooms, we aim to deepen our commitment to these foundational principles and practices. This theme will weave through our programming, planning, and discussions.

This time at Smith is one unlike any other. The vast majority of our students were away from campus, learning in remote environments, both across the US and across the world for quite a bit of time. When COVID-19 shut down our campus in the Spring of 2020, many of us thought this would be a brief break from daily life and all would return to normal soon, but instead, this has become a sustained experience for our community. During the 2020-2022 academic years, we plan to use connectivity as our guiding principle in our Sherrerd Center programming. With trauma from the global pandemic, the continuation of brutal racial injustices in the US, and a contentious US election cycle all coalescing, it is arguably more important than ever to feel connected to our community—and yet, it has never been harder. In the work that we do at the Sherrerd Center for teaching and learning, we hope to center anti-racism, teaching in and amidst trauma, and the best inclusive practices in the remote classroom so that we can remain connected: to our core mission, and to each other in the Smith community.

While solitude has its purposes and charms, many activities like teaching and learning benefit from partnership. Just as we at the Sherrerd Center believe that there are many different ways to teach well and that all teaching is improvable, we understand that there are a variety of different kinds of partnership (student-faculty, peer instructor, institutional, community, etc.) and all partnerships are improvable. During the 2018-19 and 2019-20 academic years, we plan to use partnership as a lens through which to make decisions regarding roughly half of our Teaching Arts Luncheon programming.

Such programs might privilege pursuing such questions as:

  • What conditions make for the most fruitful partnerships?
  • What have we learned from the student-faculty pedagogical partnership program?
  • What other kinds of student-faculty partnership ought the College support, develop, and sustain
  • Can all students be partners in teaching and learning?
  • How can we enable collaborative learning in and out of the classroom?
  • In what ways can partnerships between the curricular and co-curricular be enhanced?
  • What barriers exist and how might we lower them for colleagues to engage in collaborative teaching?
  • How can we better support staff partnerships with students and faculty?
  • What would greater collaboration between different units of the campus enable?

In Engaging Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, Alison Cook-Sather et al. argue that good partnerships require respect, reciprocity, and shared responsibility. We resolve to work together to ensure that our partnerships at Smith College follow these principles.

In 2015, the members of the advisory board of the Sherrerd Center decided to be more intentional than usual regarding our programming for 2016–18. We surveyed attendees at Teaching Arts Luncheons, talked with other members of the Smith community and conducted an online survey to collect suggestions for future topics. Ultimately, we decided to focus on creating inclusive learning environments after receiving a large number of requests for programming on that topic. Hence, we have selected Teaching Arts Luncheon topics and invited guest speakers like Kelly Mack and Beverly Daniel Tatum to promote this aim. From the start, however, we understood that the word “inclusive” was in danger of becoming meaningless, so we have been drafting and revising the following statement in the attempt to clarify our intent. We welcome suggestions for revision.

During 2016–18, the Sherrerd Center will focus on enhancing our abilities to create and sustain effective and inclusive learning environments, regardless of whether course content areas directly engage with controversial topics. An inclusive learning community—as opposed to simply a diverse one—is one in which everyone's voice is equally encouraged and welcomed. But this kind of community is what inclusion is all about. There are no formulae for achieving this. Hence, we will pay special attention to fostering conversations, workshops and other programming about how to create inclusive learning communities.

What can professors convey through their course planning, choice of materials, classroom practice and assessment to make deep learning accessible to all students? What must professors themselves need to learn so that they can best teach an ever more diverse student body? How can innovative pedagogies promote communities of reflective and creative learners capable of working, playing and solving the world’s problems together?

We do this work in the context of global and local challenges—some tragic and some mundane—that both threaten inclusiveness and make the creation of inclusive learning environments increasingly important. Some of these challenges seize the attention of the world, while others are felt privately. Instead of simply reacting to each challenge, our programs and collaborations seek to increase our communal preparedness, our individual empathy and our institutional commitment to inclusive teaching.

By the Numbers

Over five years, between academic years 2018–19 and 2022–23, the Sherrerd Center has held, offered, completed, or supported:


Teaching Arts Luncheons


Teaching Mentor consultations


Teaching Circles


Pedagogical Partnerships


Mid-Semester Assessments

Conferences image

Ask a Question

Tell us what help you’d like with identifying sources to enhance your teaching. For instance, are you curious about how to encourage discussion, help students transitioning into and out of classtime, design an online syllabus or set up a gradebook in Moodle? Staff at the Sherrerd Center for Teaching and Learning will review questions from Smith faculty and instructional staff and make every attempt to connect you with appropriate resources in a timely fashion. If you need assistance with teaching technology (e.g., your projector isn't working), please call classroom help at ext. 3474.

Send us an Email

Contact Sherrerd Center for Teaching & Learning

Bass Hall 416 & Seelye Hall B8
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063

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